Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Diet Myths Exposed!

Dr. Oz is right on with these 5 diet myths. For the most part, I agree with what is suggested. However, let me add that pasta with enriched or white flour is NEVER good with any portion. :) Knowledge is power! Get your Dream Body today!

Diet Myth #1: Diet Soda Helps You Lose Weight Most diet sodas are lower in calories than regular soda because they don’t use regular sugar. The problem here is the artificial sweeteners, which have been tied to weight gain. Why? Research shows that artificial sweeteners stimulate taste receptors that sense sweetness in both the esophagus and stomach. Anticipating energy, the pancreas releases insulin, an important hormone for accumulating body fat. At the same time, chemicals are sent to the brain’s satiety center, which becomes confused as to whether or not the body is actually receiving calories. As your body gets “tricked” by the sugar substitute, you crave more food and become susceptible to overeating in order to feel satisfied. The result? You feel even hungrier and less full, which can lead to weight gain. Artificial sweeteners are more than 100 times sweeter than natural table sugar – this is cause for concern since naturally sweet foods, like fruits, won’t seem as sweet to a desensitized palate. Choose a healthier alternative, like a glass of seltzer with lemon or lime, the next time you reach for a refreshment.

Diet Myth #2: The More Calories You Cut, the More Weight You Lose It may seem counterintuitive, but cutting too many calories from your diet can be bad for your waistline. Because 3500 calories equals about 1 pound of fat, you would need to cut 3500 calories out of your diet each week to lose 1 pound a week. In order to do this, you’d have to cut 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week. The problem with severely restricting diets, however, is that they jolt your body into “starvation mode,” preventing your body from burning unwanted fat. This mechanism, which is thought to have evolved as a defense against starvation, helps the body make the most of the calories it gets from food and drink; the body, in order to keep functioning, then looks to get some of it calories from lean muscle. This results in muscle loss. Less muscle means a slower metabolic rate – and in this case, stalled weight loss.

Diet Myth #3: Pasta Makes You Fat The problem with pasta is not the pasta itself – it’s more about portions. If you eat too much of anything, and don’t burn it off, your body will store it as fat. So whether it’s bread or pasta or rice, it’s about the volume and extra calories, not about the carbohydrates themselves. Add to that the heavy sauces and high-calorie cheeses, and no wonder pasta has such a bad rap. They key here is practicing portion control. Pasta is okay in moderation. Dietitians recommend 2 or 3 ounces of uncooked noodles per person – or half of a one-pound box to serve a family of four. Click here for a selection of delicious pasta recipes.

Diet Myth #4: Eating After 8 p.m. Will Make You Put on Weight There is some truth to this myth. Dr. Oz recommends not eating after 8 p.m. because studies have shown that you are more likely to overeat and misjudge how many calories you consume when you eat late. Fatigue may be to blame here as it may cause you to eat too much of the wrong foods, causing you to put on weight. However, it’s not the time of day that makes you gain weight – it’s the extra calories! It does not matter when you consume the calories – if you exceed your recommended calorie intake, what you don’t burn will be stored as fat. Always be vigilant of how many calories you consume throughout the day. A healthy woman should consume between 1800-2000 calories a day.

Diet Myth #5: Reduced Fat Foods Are Healthier Alternatives Fat is one of the things that makes food taste good. When fat is removed from foods, a lot of the flavor is removed as well. To make up for this, extras – like sugars, chemicals and thickeners – are often added to enhance the flavor and texture of these foods. These additives can be far worse for you and sometimes just as fattening as full-fat food. Additionally, “low-fat” and “fat-free” doesn’t mean low-calorie. Think about all the additives – they’ve got to turn up somewhere, right? When looking at nutrition labels, keep your eyes peeled for the sources of these calories and think twice about bringing reduced fat foods into your home. Opt for fresh or whole foods – or buy the full-fat food instead, but consume in moderation.

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