Friday, April 19, 2013

What is the Dream Body?! Ask that question to 10 different people and you might get a wide range of very differing answers. There is no set definition, for each individual it will vary in the details. One thing that will remain constant is that it should always be defined as being the very best version of yourself.Those seeking their dream body have accepted two great myths. The first is that optimal fitness is for someone else, it is too hard, takes too much time, and only those who are overly obsessed ever see any tangible results. The second is the misconception that there is only one way to get fit. Where the disagreement lies is what that method is... High-intensity interval training ( HIIT), Running, Yoga, Pilates, or Tabata.
We at 'Dream Body Workouts' believe you have it in you to unleash your definition of a dream body! Whether that means being in the best shape of your life, working out those tricky problem areas, revisiting the fitness of your youth, focusing more on your health and wellness, or simply being swimsuit ready for the Summer, we have the workout routines, gear, nutritional products, and fitness systems for you! So, are you ready?! Dream Body Workouts has precision formulated workouts that effectively target turning your body into a "fat burning" machine, tricking your muscles for enhanced progress, and providing you with the ultimate exercises to get you on the way to that dream body you've always imagined. So quit dreaming and make it a reality! Take the first steps today! Give us 90 days and we'll help you on your way to your dream body!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Get ready because Dream Body Workouts will be launching in March!


What is the Dream Body?! Ask that question to 10 different people and you might get a wide range of very differing answers. There is no set definition, for each individual it will vary in the details. One thing that will remain constant is that it should always be defined as being the very best version of yourself.
We at 'Dream Body Workouts' believe you have it in you to unleash your definition of a dream body! Whether that means being in the best shape of your life, working out those tricky problem areas, revisiting the fitness of your youth, focusing more on your health and wellness, or simply being swimsuit ready for the Summer, we have the workout routines, gear, fitness systems for you! So, are you ready?! Take the first steps to making that dream body a reality! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Meet Elyce from Dream Body Workouts!

Elyce Currey was born and raised in Provo, Utah. She is 32 years old and is a mother of 3 children, McKenna (6), Cole (4), and Faith (2). She is married to Neal Currey, a former Army Ranger with 2nd Batalion out of Ft Lewis, WA. While Neal was deployed to the Middle East, Elyce was responsible for raising her three children and taking care of the home front.Staying in shape has always been an important factor in Elyce's life. Being the only girl in the family and growing up with three brothers has kept her on her toes. As a young girl Elyce was an Elite Gymnast and participated in many different sports, excelling at all she did. As a cheerleader Elyce and her squad took first at Regional's, when she joined the Tennis team her and her teammate took State in doubles.Elyce was also on the Sundance Ski Team and competed in the down hill slalom and took both first and second place in various races. She also raced the 50 meter, 200 meter and 400 meter dash in Track and broke the 200 Meter record at the Utah Summer Games. Elyce has also competed in several Triathlons and Half Marathons.Elyce's goal is to help others achieve the level of fitness required to help them live a strong, healthy life. Elyce strongly believes anyone given the right tools; motivation and guidance can reach their fitness goals. Elyce believes that poor eating habits and complacency causes many of today's diseases. Much of this can be resolved through an exercise regiment, good diet and proper supplementation. All that required is a good plan. Elyce has spent many years going through different workout plans...Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Cross Fit, weight lifting, etc., trying to find the most efficient work out for her. She has come to the conclusion that no matter what she does, consistency and discipline are key ingredients, both in the Kitchen and in the Gym.Elyce's lifestyle has given her the ability and energy to give her kids the attention they need and deserve while maintaining her home. Elyce hopes she can help influence others to live this same strong healthy lifestyle.Elyce set out on a mission to provide an inexpensive service for similar "on the go" Moms and others who wanted to fit a quick, precision targeted, yet effective workout that could be done in those all to precious spare moments at home... (i.e. the toddler taking a 30 minute cat nap, after the carpool to Kindergarten, on a weekend early morning before the family wakes up, etc.) Most of what was available was either too time consuming, too expensive, ineffective, exploiting, or all of the above! Our total body series of 6 workouts has your busy schedule in mind. They'll keep it fun and new and most importantly are formulated for maximum results in minimum time. For less then $10, you gain full access to the "Dream Body Workouts", a comprehensive series that efficiently targets weight loss, aerobic and anaerobic progress, and toning/sculpting your overall physique. Best of all, you'll be sure to feel great and look great, too!Give us 90 days and we'll help get you that dream body! A dream body for everybody.!dream_body_team/c115z

Get Connected, Get Fit!


DREAM BODY WORKOUTS is ahead of the pack on more than just how to get in the best shape of your life! We also have you covered when it comes to the convenience of the Dream Body Workout program and fitness videos. Can you imagine a personal trainer who makes house calls, travels with you, is there for vacation, the Holidays, whether home or away? Not happening! Even if there was such a trainer, how much is the price tag for THAT fitness instructor? Or how about that $99 you blew on that DVD set, only to have left them home when on vacation? Maybe even worse, the kids have used the DVD as a frisbee and a 20 minute routine turns to 60 minutes with all of the skipping due to the scratches! That's if it will play at all! Our fitness videos offers the perfect alternative without the hefty price. We offer all of the training, expertise, and motivation for FREE! If you have access to the internet, you have access to the Dream Bod Squad fitness videos! iPhone in your hotel room? No problem! iPad or Kindle Fire in your local gym's aerobic room? You got it! Your Xbox, Nintendo Wii, Apple T.V., or Playstation 3 streaming on your H.D. television? Stream a Dream Body Workout straight to your home big screen and do the workout in the comfort of your living room. So with Dream Body Workouts the World Wide Web means World Wide Workouts! Just don't hold us liable when you jump on wi-fi at 30,000 feet and the flight attendant instructs you to return to your seat! Interval training is frowned upon in the aisle of a Boeing 747!What are you waiting for? Join the Dream Bod Squad today and never be without your personal trainer again!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Body Media

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Losing weight is not easy. Gimmicks, gadgets and fads almost always fail.
Success requires accurate, personalized information. That's what you get with BodyMedia FIT. The power to improve weight loss by. The power to achieve your goals. The power to be the healthiest you possible.
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It's a lot easier to treat everyone as if they're exactly
At BodyMedia, we're driven by facts and how they
Features & Benefits
Learn how BodyMedia FIT monitors your calories, activity and sleep throughout the day and night, giving you the power to reach your goals.
The Interface
From your arm to the Activity Manager to your mobile device, see how the BodyMedia FIT system works to provide you with accurate, usable information.
The Science
Take a look at the technology that drives the BodyMedia system and browse the studies that prove its effectiveness.

Check out our affiliate partner, Body Media! Great tool for weight management and weight-loss! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Gear used in the Dream Body Workout Videos! The "Power Behind Performance" and the Dream Body Workouts Recommendation to GET YOU on your way to your Dream Body!

Get The Gear at Power Systems! If they don't have it, then you don't need it for your dream body quest! Gymboss, Stability Balls, Push-up Bars, Power Training Ropes, Workout Stations, and much more! Click on the banner or button and get your gear on!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Our most adamant philosophy at Dream Body Workouts is that there is only one way to make your dream body a reality! There are NO shortcuts! Unfortunately, the market today would have you believe otherwise! The latest and greatest in fads, cons, ineffective trends, and gimmicks have the public feeling more confused than ever before. The only way to obtain the fitness level of your dreams is a combination of the best workouts, healthy lifestyle, careful nutritional intake, and discipline in regards to your health and body!

Like us, 4Life embraces the viewpoint that healthy living is a choice! We recommend 4Life Products because they are formulated with the health enthusiast in mind. They make for an effective supplementation regiment to combine with the Dream Body Workouts and our plan of action. 4Life Products are 100% natural! 

4Life Products will help you power through your workouts, with zip to spare! Infused with clever blend of energy-boosting ingredients, you’re good to go… and go… and go!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Water does a Dream Body good!

Water, Water, and more Water!

Water has a lot of benefits as we all know, some are really important and worth consideration:
Water is the only liquid on Earth that reduces weight safely. It removes the by-products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water can reduce your bad habit of eating a lot and reduce it to a very low in take. The only thing that keeps water a distinct drink is that it has zero calories.
Water can act like a medicine for all diseases. It is a blessing of God, a natural gift that reduces harmful particles from body and helps us maintain a healthy body. It also helps in avoiding headaches and back pains which are essentially caused by dehydration.
Do you want to look younger? Then drink lots of water daily! It is surely a replacement for your all-expensive aging medicines. It moisturizes your skin and keeps your skin fresh, as a tulip in water. Your skin would glow and shine.
Human body is a machine that constantly needs certain things to keep on working, including water, food and healthy environment. Water is the essential requirement of this machine to work properly and efficiently. As our brain and tissues are mostly made of water therefore it can improve our ability to think. You can feel more energetic and alert than ever.
Water can keep your body temperature moderate, thus while doing exercise or sitting in office it can balance your inner temperature. Water works like fuel to our body.
Water is helpful for digestion; it raises your metabolism level so to mediate your digestion. People who have digestion issues should drink water.
Our body needs water to live, thus dehydration could cause many severe issues such as cramps and sprains. However water can keep your joints and muscles fresh and strong.
Seasonal illness is quite common; water can help you to be strong enough to fight from such illnesses. On a broader prospect, it can save you from a heart attack and kidney stones. Water improves our immune system and drinking water with two drops of lemon juice is quite beneficial. It can also save you from various diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis.
Water flushes out waste products that are produced by our body. It removes toxins from our body. If our body lacks water then it is quite probable that our heart would work hard to pump fresh oxygenated blood to our organs thus causing many problems and it could exhaust you.
Your body is relaxed and feels at ease when it receives sufficient amount of water daily. It keeps you in a good mood. It is the best medication to avoid cancer. Research shows that drinking water can help avoid the risk of bladder and colon cancer. You might be thinking how that is possible. It is possible because water dilutes everything and it dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they contact with bladder lining. To construe the result it is quite clear that to keep ourselves healthy, active, fresh and happy we ought to drink water daily and our intake should be sufficient.